Jobs for Freelance Writers: Is it a Great Idea for Ghostwriters to Use Job Boards?
Jobs for freelance writers–it’s something we talk about a lot in writer’s circles. Wanna open a can of worms during a job discussion? Bring up the topic of job boards for writers and you’ll crack open quite a can of worms. But guess what, I’m gonna do it anyway. Why am I so determined to tackle this subject, you may ask? Because without job boards there is no way that I would be a full-time freelancer right now. Finding freelance or ghostwriting gigs elsewhere is fantastic. However, I feel that, when used properly, job boards are a great resource as far as finding work goes. There are a number of…
Choosing the Road Not Taken—the Artist’s Road
You might be wondering about the picture above. Why have I given you a picture of me trying to climb over the prohibitive sign on a lush green cliff in Maui? Here’s why: it serves as a visual demonstration of the fact that I’ve always taken the road less traveled even when it looked to everyone else that it would be “too dangerous.” I had lots of people tell me to stay on the path. But did I? No. And boy am I glad that I didn’t. I am sitting here writing this at 2:21am. Here’s why: Last night I had rehearsal from 9pm-11pm. By the time I got back…
5 Things That Separate Professional Writers, Dance Teachers, and Artists from the Rest and Cost You Nothing
We’ve all seen ‘em. We’ve even met ‘em. Some of us have even looked up to ‘em. You’ll see later why I say SOME of us. Yep, it’s no secret that most of the time when a person (artist), reaches a point where he can openly call himself a professional, he lets some of the great foundations one clings to as an amateur slide. Today I want to talk about a few of those foundations, amateur values that are worth holding on to even once a person crosses over to being a professional. And the good news? They don’t cost you anything and are relatively painless. But, trust me, they…
The Balancing Act That All Writers Must Master: Something’s Gotta Give
“Altogether I have so much to do that often I do not know whether I am on my head or my heels.” -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Daily Rituals by Mason Currey Can you relate to Mozart’s lament? I sure can. As you most likely know already, pursuing one’s art isn’t an easy or relaxing endeavor. There really is no roadmap offered to a person who wishes to make a living as an artist. My days, therefore resemble something of a patchwork quilt—teaching a couple classes here, spending an hour or so writing there, then going to teach more classes over that way, and back to the computer again once I get…